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Bases: DrawingObject

A class to manage plots in a tikz environment.

The PlotCoordinates class is used to represent the plot_coordinates functionality in TikZ. It is analagous to the TikZ command

\draw plot[<options>] coordinates{ <points> };


Name Type Description Default
options str)

String containing drawing options (e.g., "Blue")

plot_options str)

String containing the plot options (e.g., "smooth cycle")

points list)

A list of points to be drawn


center property

center: Point

Calculates the geometric center (centroid) of a collection of points.

This property computes the arithmetic mean of the x and y coordinates of all points in the collection. The result is a new Point object representing the centroid of these points.


Name Type Description
Point Point

A Point object representing the geometric center of the collection of points.


add_point(x, y)

Adds a new point to the points list.

This method creates a new Point instance with the specified x and y coordinates, and appends it to the points attribute of the class.


Name Type Description Default
x int / float

The x-coordinate of the point.

y int / float

The y-coordinate of the point.



Type Description



Introducing examples of PlotCoordinates gives us an opportunity to illustrate the optional parameter action. By default, action is "draw" (analogous to \draw in Tikz) so the code below

import tikzpy

tikz = tikzpy.TikzPicture()
points = [(2, 2), (4, 0), (1, -3), (-2, -1), (-1, 3)]
plot = tikz.plot_coordinates(points) # action="draw" by default
plot.plot_options = "smooth cycle, tension = 0.5"
produces the image

Alternatively we can set action = "fill" (analogous to \fill in Tikz) as in the code below

import tikzpy

tikz = tikzpy.TikzPicture()
points = [(2, 2), (4, 0), (1, -3), (-2, -1), (-1, 3)]
plot = tikz.plot_coordinates(points, options="Blue", action="fill")
plot.plot_options = "smooth cycle, tension = 0.5"
to produce the image

If we want both, we can set action = "filldraw" (analogous to \filldraw in Tikz)

import tikzpy

tikz = tikzpy.TikzPicture()
points = [(2, 2), (4, 0), (1, -3), (-2, -1), (-1, 3)]
plot = tikz.plot_coordinates(points, options="Blue", action="filldraw")
plot.options = "fill=ProcessBlue!50"
plot.plot_options = "smooth cycle, tension = 0.5"
which produces.

Finally, we can set action = "path" (analogous to \path in Tikz), but as one would expect this doesn't draw anything.

PlotCoordinates has methods .shift(), .scale, and .rotate, similar to the class Line, and the parameters behave similarly. These methods are more interestingly used on PlotCoordinates than on Line. For example, the code

import tikzpy

tikz = tikzpy.TikzPicture()
points = [(14.4, 3.2), (16.0, 3.6), (16.8, 4.8), (16.0, 6.8), (16.4, 8.8), (13.6, 8.8), (12.4, 7.6), (12.8, 5.6), (12.4, 3.6)]

for i in range(0, 20):
    options = f"fill = {rainbow_colors(i)}, opacity = 0.7"
    # Requires \usetikzlibrary{hobby} here
    plot_options = "smooth, tension=.5, closed hobby"
    plot = tikz.plot_coordinates(points, options, plot_options)
    plot.scale((20 - i) / 20) # Shrink it 
    plot.rotate(15 * i) # Rotate it
generates the image