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A class to manage nodes in a tikz environment.

This class is equivalent to the tikz code

\node[<options>] at (<position>) {<text>};


Name Type Description Default
position tuple)

Pair of floats representing the location of the node

options str)

String containing node options (e.g., "above")

text str

Text that will be displayed with the node; can use dollar signs $ for LaTeX


position property writable


Returns a Point object representing the position of the node. This attribute is modifiable.


__deepcopy__(memo: dict) -> Node

Creates a deep copy of a class object. This is useful since in our classes, we chose to set our methods to modify objects, but not return anything.


copy(**kwargs: dict) -> Node

Allows one to simultaneously make a (deep) copy of a drawing object and modify attributes of the drawing object in one step.


Here we use some nodes to label a figure explaining the logarithm branch cut

import tikzpy

tikz = tikzpy.TikzPicture()
# x,y axes
tikz.line((-4, 0), (4, 0), options="Gray!40, ->")
tikz.line((0, -4), (0, 4), options="Gray!40, ->")
# Cut
tikz.line((-4, 0), (0, 0), options="thick")
# Line out
tikz.line((0, 0), (1.414, 1.414), options="-o")
tikz.arc((1, 0), 0, 45, radius=1, options="dashed")

# Labels
tikz.node((3.6, -0.2), text="$x$")
tikz.node((-0.24, 3.53), text="$iy$")
tikz.node((1.3, 0.4), text="$\\theta$")
tikz.node((2.1, 1.7), text="$z = re^{i\\theta}$")
tikz.node((-2, 0.3), text="Cut")
which produces

Here's another example of usings nodes to illustrate the concept of a multivariable function.

import tikzpy

tikz = tikzpy.TikzPicture()

arrow_len = 2
box_width = 2
# Lines and rectangles
input_arrow = tikz.line((0, 0), (arrow_len, 0), options="->")
box = tikz.rectangle_from_west(input_arrow.end, width=box_width, height=1)
output_arrow = tikz.line(box.east, box.east + (arrow_len, 0), options="->")

# Labels
tikz.node((-1.2, 0), text="$(x_1, \dots, x_n)$")
tikz.node(input_arrow.midpoint() + (0, 0.3), text="input")
tikz.node(, text="$f$")
tikz.node(output_arrow.midpoint() + (0, 0.3), text="output")
tikz.node((7.3, 0), text="$f(x_1, \dots, x_n)$")