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This package is meant to have an extremely simple API that also resembles the creation of TikZ code very closely. That is, we aim to minimize "surprises" such that users experienced with TikZ can easily use this package. Towards that goal we offer step-by-step tutorials demonstrating this package.

Neural Networks

Let's use this package to draw the typical fully connected neural network architecture diagram.

Our goal will be to draw this image via Python code that will be maintainable, readable, and modular.

Drawing one layer

Firstly, we need to draw layers. We have input, hidden, and output layers to draw, but we'll first focus on the input layer. A given layer consists of a number of circles which are vertically stacked, each separated by some distance we'll call node_sep. These circles also have some color color and a mathematical symbol symbol inscribed.

Thinking this through, we can use tikzpy's Circle class to draw the circles and the Node class to draw the mathematical symbols. The code below

from tikzpy import TikzPicture, Point

node_radius = 0.5
node_sep = 2
symbol = "x"
color = "green"

tikz = TikzPicture(center=True)
for idx, _ in enumerate(range(4)):
    pos = (0, -node_sep * idx)
    # Draw the node, radius=node_radius, options=f"fill={color}!40")
    # Draw the symbol
    tikz.node(pos, text=f"${symbol}_{idx}$")

produces the image

Thus, we figured out how to draw layers. We can abstract the code above into a function that will then allow us to draw all of our input, hidden, and output layers.

def network_layer(init_pos, num_nodes, symbol, color):
    layer_nodes = []
    for idx, _ in enumerate(range(num_nodes)):
        pos = Point(init_pos) + (0, -node_sep * idx)
        # Draw the circle
        circle =, radius=node_radius, options=f"fill={color}!40")
        # Draw the node
        tikz.node(pos, text=f"${symbol}_{idx}$")
    return layer_nodes

In this function, we add an extra parameter init_pos that controls where to start drawing the network layer (necessary for when we start drawing multiple layers). We also collect the layers into a list layer_nodes and return it (necessary for when we draw arrows between layers).

Drawing many layers

With the function from earlier, we can now draw many layers. For instance, here's just the input layer and the next hidden layer.

from tikzpy import TikzPicture, Point

node_radius = 0.5
node_sep = 2
layer_sep = 4

input_layer_pos = (0, 0)
hidden_layer_pos = (layer_sep, 0)

tikz = TikzPicture(center=True)
network_layer(input_layer_pos, 4, "x", "green")
network_layer(hidden_layer_pos, 4, "h", "blue")

The code above produces the image

Drawing connections

Next, we need to draw connections between these nodes. This is actually not too bad. This package has a method connect_circle_edges that can draw lines between two circles. Thus the code for this step is simply

def draw_layer_connection(curr_layer, next_layer):
    for curr_node in curr_layer:
        for next_node in next_layer:
            tikz.connect_circle_edges(curr_node, next_node, "->", dst_delta=0.1)

To see that this works, we can use this function as below

input_layer = network_layer(input_layer_pos, 4, "x", "green")
hidden_layer = network_layer(hidden_layer_pos, 4, "h", "blue")
draw_layer_connection(input_layer, hidden_layer)

to produce the image

Note, it gets a bit crowded when we draw so many arrows on a single circle. This is why we use the dst_delta parameter of connect_circle_edges. It gives a little space between arrow tips and the circles that the arrows are pointing to.

Drawing the fully connected network

We basically have everything we need to draw a fully connected network with variable layer sizes. Let's take a first stab at it by writing a function draw_neural_network(layer_sizes). The parameter layer_sizes will be a list of integers, like [4, 3, 5, 2], which will tell the code that the first layer has 4 nodes, second layer has 3 nodes, etc.

Towards that goal, we produce this function. We loop over layer_sizes. In this loop, we have logic to control where to start drawing the layer, what to color it, what symbol to put inside of it. After the loop, we then connect all the layers.

def draw_neural_network(layer_sizes):
    layers = []
    init_pos = Point((0, 0))
    for idx, size in enumerate(layer_sizes):
        x_shift = idx * layer_sep
        pos = init_pos + (x_shift, 0)
        if idx == 0:
            symbol = "x"
            color = "green"
        elif idx == len(layer_sizes) - 1:
            symbol = "y"
            color = "red"
            symbol = f"h^{{({idx})}}"
            color = "blue"

        nodes = network_layer(pos, size, symbol, color)

    for idx, layer in enumerate(range(len(layers) - 1)):
        draw_layer_connection(layers[idx], layers[idx + 1])

Invoking this function as

tikz = TikzPicture(center=True)
draw_neural_network([4, 3, 5, 2]

Then produces the image

This is almost what we want but not quite. The layers aren't vertically centered. In fact, how much a layer should be vertically offset depends on the layer size itself, i.e. the number of nodes in the layer. Once you think about it for a second, you'll realize that the y-shift we need to invoke on a layer is given by a formula: If max_size is the largest layer size, size is the size of the layer we want to draw, and node_sep is the vertical distance between the nodes in the neural network, then

    y_shift = - (max_size - size) / 2 * node_sep
We can the modify our function by placing this computation for the y_shift inside, when drawing the layer.

def draw_neural_network(layer_sizes):
    max_size = max(layer_sizes)
    layers = []
    init_pos = Point((0, 0))
    for idx, size in enumerate(layer_sizes):
        x_shift = idx * layer_sep
        y_shift = - (max_size - size) / 2 * node_sep
        pos = init_pos + (x_shift, y_shift)
        if idx == 0:
            symbol = "x"
            color = "green"
        elif idx == len(layer_sizes) - 1:
            symbol = "y"
            color = "red"
            symbol = f"h^{{({idx})}}"
            color = "blue"

        nodes = network_layer(pos, size, symbol, color)

    for idx, layer in enumerate(range(len(layers) - 1)):
        draw_layer_connection(layers[idx], layers[idx + 1])

This completes the work. We can then call the function like so

tikz = TikzPicture(center=True)
draw_neural_network([4, 5, 3, 4, 3, 2]

which will produce the image

Logarithmic Branch Cut

Suppose we desire to create this diagram from mathematics, which illustrates the logarithmic branch cut.


The first thing we can do is create the x and y axes. To do this, we can write the code as below.

from tikzpy import TikzPicture

tikz = TikzPicture()
axes_len = 4

x_axis = tikz.line((-axes_len, 0), (axes_len, 0), options="Gray!40, ->")
y_axis = tikz.line((0, -axes_len), (0, axes_len), options="Gray!40, ->")
First, we must create TikzPicture object; this can be thought of as a blank canvas that we can draw on. Next, we decide on an axis length, and we use this to create two perpendicular lines. This is achieved via the tikz.line() method, which returns a Line object.

Because of the way we wrote the code, if we change the axis length, we do not have to change the code controlling the lines.


Next, we need to add the x-axis and y-axis labels. In TikZ, you would do this with a \node object. TikzPy implements node objects. For this example, we can do

tikz.node(x_axis.end - (0.3, 0.3), text="$x$")
tikz.node(y_axis.end - (0.3, 0.3), text="$iy$")

Notice we specifying the position of each node by accessing the .end attribute of each respective Line object, and then shifting it. This is possible because Line objects have .start and .end attributes that return coordinates. Thus, we are not hardcoding or guessing where to put the nodes.

If we change the line (e.g. adjust its length), we do not have to change this code.

All together we now have this.

from tikzpy import TikzPicture

tikz = TikzPicture()
axes_len = 4
# x,y axes
x_axis = tikz.line((-axes_len, 0), (axes_len, 0), options="Gray!40, ->")
y_axis = tikz.line((0, -axes_len), (0, axes_len), options="Gray!40, ->")
# axes labels
tikz.node(x_axis.end - (0.3, 0.3), text="$x$")
tikz.node(y_axis.end - (0.3, 0.3), text="$iy$")

This code generates the graphic below.

Again, because of the way we wrote the code, if we change the axis length, or even change the lines themselves, we do not have to do anything else; the nodes will move automatically.

Cut branch

Next, let's add the "Cut" branch. We achieve this with one Line object and one Node object to put in the word "Cut".

# Cut branch
origin = (0, 0)
cut_line = tikz.line((-axes_len, 0), origin, options="thick")
tikz.node(cut_line.midpoint(), text="Cut", options="above")

The cut Line is dependent on axes_len value. The Node object is positioned via Line.midpoint(), a method which calculates the middle of the line. Thus, if we change the length of our line, we do not have to also change node's position. This saves us time.

This so far generates

Line from origin

Next, let's add the line from the origin and annotate it. Again, we achieve this with a Line and a Node object.

# Line from origin
line = tikz.line(origin, (axes_len / 3, axes_len / 3), options="-o")
tikz.node(line.end + (0.7, 0), text="$z = re^{i\\theta}$", options="above")

In the code above, we draw 45-degree angled line from the origin to the point (axes_len / 3, axes_len / 3). The denominator 3 is pretty arbitrary and subjective, and can be changed if the user likes. For our node, we use the Line.end attribute to specify the position and shift it to the right a bit by 0.7. We then shift it up by specifying options=above, as one normally would in TikZ.

This then generates

Angle arc

Finally, we draw the dashed-angle. To achieve this we can use an Arc object and one Node object.

# Angle arc
from tikzpy import Point

arc_start = Point(1, 0)
tikz.arc(arc_start, 0, 45, radius=1, options="dashed")
tikz.node(arc_start + (0.3, 0.5), text="$\\theta$")

In the code above, we draw an arc starting at the point arc_start from angle 0 to 45. We define this point using the Point class instead of just a Python tuple. This is useful for when we create the node object, since we can specify the position of the node as arc_start + (0.3, 0.5).

All together, this generates the original image. The complete code is given below.

from tikzpy import TikzPicture, Point

tikz = TikzPicture(center=True)
axes_len = 4

# x,y axes
origin = (0, 0)
x_axis = tikz.line((-axes_len, 0), (axes_len, 0), options="Gray!40, ->")
y_axis = tikz.line((0, -axes_len), (0, axes_len), options="Gray!40, ->")
# axes labels
tikz.node(x_axis.end - (0.3, 0.3), text="$x$")
tikz.node(y_axis.end - (0.3, 0.3), text="$iy$")

# Cut branch
cut_line = tikz.line((-axes_len, 0), origin, options="thick")
tikz.node(cut_line.midpoint(), text="Cut", options="above")

# Line from origin
line = tikz.line(origin, (axes_len / 3, axes_len / 3), options="-o")
tikz.node(line.end + (0.7, 0), text="$z = re^{i\\theta}$", options="above")

# Angle arc
arc_start = Point(1, 0)
tikz.arc(arc_start, 0, 45, radius=1, options="dashed")
tikz.node(arc_start + (0.3, 0.5), text="$\\theta$")